
CSS (3)

JavaScript (6)

Web browsers (2)




The scenario for this script is if you have some long text content where the only way to differentiate between paragraphs are a line break. The purpose of this script is to wrap every text entity separated by line breaks within p tags.

Input text
This is some text that is inserted as a long paragraph without any line breaks.
And suddenly, a line break in the input code!
Isn't this amazing?
Output code
<p>This is some text that is inserted as a long paragraph without any line breaks.</p>
<p>And suddenly, a line break in the input code!</p>
<p>Isn't this amazing?</p>
Convert the text to paragraphs.

The script

function textToParagraphs(){
	if(document.getElementById && document.getElementById("input-text")){
			The non-standard innerHTML property is used instead of the recommended 
			textContent one, for greater web browser compliance in this example
		var strInputText = document.getElementById("input-text").innerHTML;		
		var strText = "<p>" + strInputText.replace(/\n([^$])/g, "</p>\n<p>$1") + "</p>";
		alert("Input text:\n" + strInputText + "\n\nOutput code:\n" + strText);	